Attendance is very important at Marana Middle School, with the expectation that all students will attend classes promptly and on a regular basis to achieve the full educational benefit. Absences should only occur when unavoidable. School attendance is ultimately the responsibility of the student and his/her parents.
Call the Marana Middle School 24-hour attendance hotline at (520) 682-1019 to report your child's absence.
The attendance clerk records tardies and absences, taking incoming phone calls from parents on the attendance phone line and mark the students accordingly.
It is vital that parents call if their child is going to be absent due to sickness or personal reasons. If parents do not call; the child's absence is not considered excused and the absence becomes a truancy. Students who are tardy must come in with a note from a parent or be brought into the office by a parent for the absence to be excused.
Excessive tardies or absences may result in student discipline, parent meetings, or ACT NOW truancy referrals.
Attendance Hotline
Call the Marana Middle School 24-hour attendance hotline at (520) 682-1019 to report your child's absence.