Hallway |
- Throw trash away in garbage cans.
- Use appropriate public displays of affection.
- Use positive words and language.
- Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
- Be on time to class, every day, every period.
- Use passing periods for trips to your locker and to the restroom.
Cafeteria |
- Keep the cafeteria tables clean.
- Be polite to all school and cafeteria staff.
- Use positive words and language.
- Wait your turn in line.
- Check out sports equipment and return it in good shape.
- Report to class on time after lunch.
Library |
- Put personal belongings in designated areas.
- Speak softly and listen carefully.
- Use positive words and language. Speak softly and listen carefully.
- Keep hands and feet to yourself.
- Return borrowed books and materials in a timely manner.
- Return borrowed books and materials in a timely manner.
Bathroom |
- Leave the bathroom in the condition that you found it in.
- Wash your hands after using the restroom.
- Use positive words and language.
- Have the appropriate hall pass and use it correctly.
- Use the bathroom during passing period.
- Return promptly to class after using the restroom.
Classroom |
- Clean up your work area.
- Always put your name on your assignment.
- Use positive words and language.
- Keep your hands and feet to yourself,
- Folllow all classroom rules.
- Turn classroom assignments in on time.
Gym |
- Practice sportsmanship at all times.
- Return all borrowed equipment at the appropriate time.
- Use positive words and language.
- Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
- Complete all assignments and requirements when they are due.
- Use all equipment correctly.
Office Areas |
- Speak softly and follow directions.
- Remain in designated waiting areas.
- Remain in designated waiting areas.
- Wait patiently for assistance.
- Follow all expectations of office staff.
- Arrive with the appropriate hall pass.
Auditorium |
- Listen carefully to instructions and presentations.
- Clean up after yourself.
- Use positive words and language.
- Keep hands and feet to yourself.
- Follow all of the expectations of our staff members.
- Sit in the area that has been designated for your team.
Plaza |
- Throw away trash in garbage cans.
- Walk and be aware of your surroundings.
- Use positive words and language.
- Keep hands and feet to yourself.
- Return lost items to the office!
- Report to class on time after lunch.